The Annual Brahmotsavam of Sri Kamakala Kameswarar Devasthanam is held in the Tamil month of Chithirai. The 10 Day festival is a sight to behold, with the Utsavamurthy's decorated and bedecked with lot of jewels and taken around in the streets( Mada Veedhis). The Thiru Veedhi Purappadu ( Procession of the Utsava Murthy) is held both in the morning and in the evening.
The Utsavam commences on 29April evening _ Lord Vinayaka is taken around the maada veedhis in his Mushika Vahan. The Next day30th April- Flag Hoisting happens at the temple.
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The Important Utsavams are
3rd Day- 2nd May - Adhikara Nandhi
5th Day- 4th May Rishaba Vahana Seva
7th Day- Chariot festival...
A snap of last year's Adhikara Nandhi Seva is uploaded